Case1-Automobile Accident General Release Agreement
2019-04-12  Author:Someone else  Reading:()
Key word: Accident, Auto car, Agreement
Party A(Name):                            
Party B(Name):                            

On                     (Date) at                 (time) Party A was stopped in traffic in his/her                                 (model of car) license                        (Party A's car license) heading on                               (road A) at                              (road B) when her/his car was hit from                       (behind/aside/others) and damaged by a                                                           (car brand/color and car license) driven by Party B and owned by                                    (name) who resides at                                                       (address) and who is insured by                                         (Party B’s insurance company name) under policy number:       


The parties to this agreement agree to settle and compromise all claims arising from the above accident without any claims contact whatsoever to the owner’s insurance company as named above and including no claims contact with Party A’s insurance company namely:                                                            (Party A’s Insurance company).

In consideration of Party A’s receipt on this date of:                          
 [CAD          ] in the form of a bank guaranteed money order payable to                                       (name) Party A hereby grant a complete release of all liability to both of the above named parties in full and complete satisfaction of all automobile property damages caused, both known and unknown, releasing all claims and liability including any personal injuries that might have been suffered by Party A in the above stated accident.

This agreement is dated and executed on                            (date).

Party A(Name and signature):                                          

Witness name and signature:                                           

Party B(Name and signature):                                          

Witness name and signature: